Monday, November 1, 2010


An experienced team of bank robbers, including Gordon Jennings (Idris Elba), Juan Rahway (Paul Walker), AJ (Hayden Christensen), and brothers Jake (Michael Ealy) and Jesse Attica (Chris Brown) successfully completed its last robbery and lead a luxurious life while planning their next job. When Ghost (TI Tip Harris), a former team member is released from prison to convince the group to attack an armored car carrying $ 20 million. As the "makers" carefully plot out your strategy and approach to demand the big blow, a reckless police officer (Matt Dillon) inches closer to catching criminals.


"A crackling crime drama, 'Takers' proves that everything old can sometimes really be new again"- Miami Herald

"The heist movie genre gets a hip-hop makeover in Takers, a movie loaded with as much style as ammunition"- St Petersburg Times

"A Michael Mann-ish heist thriller with a pulse-pounding foot chase and some terrific stunt work"- New York Post

Directed by: John Luessenhop
Cast: Paul Walker, Idris Elba, Hayden Christensen, Chris Brown, Matt Dillon, Zoe Saldana, Jay Hernandez
Duration: 107 min

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